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News Break 2022

Pittsburgh Post Gazette, Eyes from George Lange images, photo collage
Our first News Break 2022 Collage from 1.31.22. Eyes cut out of my images by Stephie

I am giving myself a challenge. No news for 40 days. Like my wife, Stephie, who starts each year with a 40 cleanse where she gives up sugar and caffeine - I am giving up the news. Just before doing this I checked the headlines. It confirmed what a good idea this is. If Ram Das was right, we cannot “be here now” if we are filling our brains with “out there” rather than “in here." We need to pay attention to our own personal news feed everyday. What is on our own front page?

News Break 2002 collage #2 From a photo I took of @jessicalove in a neighbors backyard.

If I stop taking in all the news out in the world, I have the time and space to enjoy my own private news feed. Instagram feeds that thrill me. Music I have discovered that becomes the soundtrack for shaving in the morning. Sharing photos (of course). Sharing joy…but also sharing fears. Wrapping the fears in recycled boxes and tying old bakers’ twine around them.

@envy_elaine, NYTimes, Twilio, Chile Please
Ivy Grant from a shoot I did last fall - News Break 2022 - Collage #5

Jim Carrey, Pittsburgh Post Gazette, self portrait
On a set from a Jim Carrey shoot - News Break 2022 - Collage #4

Every night my wife Stephie (@stephielange) heads down to the work station in the basement, grabs a scan of the front page and then totally obscures the news with graphics, images of mine, and a great sense of humor. I sit in the dining room writing the text. At some point she pounds on the ceiling or I kick on the floor (usually Stephie finishes first) and we merge the work into posts on my social feeds: IG (@george.lange) and FB (George Lange)

@jenis, @jenissplendid, NYTimes,
Carrots I shot at Jeni's Splendid Ice Cream - News Break 2022 - Collage #9

@theduanemichals, Pittsburgh Post Gazette, birthday, portrait, @dailybreadpgh
An image of Duane Michals I took for his 90th birthday on 2.12.22 - News Break 2022 - Collage #12

And as always....thanks and love to Stephie Lange for the daily collages! (@stephielange)


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