(co-founder and CEO of Concordia Summit). We then got to work in Boulder sketching out ideas which led to meeting with a young man in a green vest at the local hardware store to purchase some vintage lights we could swing. Tests in Boulder. Tests in NY with @katherinehammondinteriors fleshing out the concept and the sets. We then set up backstage at #concordia17 in a tiny space where every subject who came in was intrigued enough to sit for us, and left moments later saying, “wow, that was fun!” Craig and I have been talking for awhile about how it takes a certain balancing act to humanize the portraits and stories of CEO's and world leaders who by nature want to keep social media at arm’s length when it comes to telling their own story - though they all appreciate the power. These activations are a dance that allows something very special to happen in a very short amount of time. It is such a privilege to be trusted at such a high level, and allowed to do my best work.